Greece: Hellas, the abode of the gods

Hellas, that is how Greeks call their country with centuries-old traditions and great history. On the modern land of Greece have survived many amazing monuments of ancient Hellas, and its art and science are the foundation of today's European culture.

In European art, Greek works have often served as models of excellence. The precious artistic legacy of ancient Greece continues to live on as a school of classical craftsmanship.

Together with Italy, this country is called the "cradle of European civilization.

When you fly over Greece, you see an unimaginably colorful picture.

Узкие длинные улицы, здания с ободранной серой штукатуркой, минимум зелени – это первое и не лучшее впечатление от Афин – столицы Греции. Однако, когда пробивающиеся сквозь облака, солнечные лучи заиграют на старинных особняках, правильных фасадах госучреждений и кованых оградах домов – город очаровывает. В каждой таверне всегда имеется свободное место, у любого официанта в запасе улыбка для посетителя, у гида – необычайное терпение, а у прохожих – время отвести туриста к Акрополю.

Greece: Hellas, the abode of the gods The Greeks lovingly call the peninsula of Halkidiki the trident of Poseidon, which pierces the Aegean Sea. When you look out from the hotel pool, which is right on the cliff, at the golden beaches, vineyards, emerald pine groves, wooden coves and the blue bay, you realize how generously God has lavished this land.

Only in Hellas can children just run around the hall of City Hall. A real millionaire dines with journalists, a good-natured prefect dances sirtaki with guests. There is no swagger, pride, or arrogance here.

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